
arte y el misionero.

I have an amazing opportunity to pursue all of my passions for Jesus, art, and community through an organization called "Mission Year" [ missionyear.org ] and I will be leaving - possibly for Houston, Texas - very soon - September 3rd and it will be going until the end of next July. I will be having a fundraiser for my trip near the end of August - either the 27th or 28th - and it will be all about the arts. I was wondering if you would like to donate any photography or whatever else you might have that is artistic (prints are totally fine, no need to be originals). It will be a silent auction/benefit concert, with the proceeds going to my fund. My goal for the year being $12,000. I definitely don't expect to get that much from this event, but it's a step. :] The details for the event are really raw and still need to be hashed out. But I was just asking you to see if you would be interested. Let me know, thanks!!

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